Saturday, September 13, 2014

Do you know DHCQ!

Do you know DHCQ!

How’s your DHCQ – Dental Home Care Quotient? Take our quiz and find out!

What can cause Bad Breath?

·         Plaque, tartar and other food particles and mineral deposits on and between the teeth
      bleeding gums and other signs of gum disease, also known  as gingivitis, periodontal      
      disease, pyorrhea, periodontitis 
·         bacteria that wasn’t brushed away from your tongue, gums and teeth
·         All of the above

The number-one cause of Tooth Loss in adults is:

·         Sports accidents
·         Tobacco use
·         Advanced age
·         Gum disease

Plaque, the fuzzy layer of bacteria that you can feel on your teeth, can begin to form within:

·         6 months of brushing
·         36 hours of brushing
·         12 hours of brushing
·         1 hour of brushing

Your Dental Home care includes:
·         Swishing (rinsing) with medicinal rinse once or twice daily (before you brush is best)
·         Flossing once or twice daily
·         Brushing twice or three times daily
·         All of the above
upside down)Regular dental visits and a thorough home hygiene routine can keep your mouth healthly, breath fresh and your smile bright!

No matter what your score, just remember to Swish, Brush, Floss, and Rinse!
Answers: all of the above; gum disease; 1 hour of brushing, all of the above.  

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