Tuesday, October 27, 2015



1.       Dentist says: "You have a small amount of decay. There is no rush but we should take care of this at some point."

Patient hears: Decay….that's not a problem treatment is optional.
Patient thinks: It doesn't hurt why fix it. Is my dentist trying to sell me more dentistry
than I need?

                Actually Decay is a problem; it means you have a cavity. If you don't treat the cavity it will get  
               bigger which means the decay is more extensive. When that happens there is a
               bigger risk of possible root canal therapy, crowns or even loss of a tooth.  Fixing a simple cavity
               is not very invasive or expensive but if you wait until it hurts the treatment will become
              more invasive and more expensive.  

2.       Dentist says:  "You have very old worn fillings and you should consider replacing them."

Patient hears: I have old fillings.
Patient thinks: It doesn't hurt why fix it. Is my dentist trying to sell me more dentistry
than I need?

                When fillings get old and worn they start to leak around the edges which means bacteria  
               can seep in undetected and can eat away at your tooth. This will lead to pain and more extensive and
              expensive treatment.

3.       Dentist says: "As we have discussed previously, you have periodontal disease and I recommend that you come in 3 or 4 times a year to get your teeth cleaned so we can try and control the bacteria attacking your gums.

Patient hears: I can come in 3 or 4 times but just because it is recommended doesn't
mean I have to.
Patient thinks: Just because no one said "I have to" means it is optional. Is my dentist
trying to sell me more dentistry than I need?

When a patient with periodontal disease waits 6 months between cleanings, the bacteria have a lot more time to re-establish in the gums.  This usually causes more detachment (gums pulling away from the tooth causing pockets for bacteria to live in) and can lead to continued bone loss.  Studies show, when you have your teeth cleaned every 3-4 months the bacteria won't have the time to attack your gums and your gums have a better chance to heal.

In the 21 century, most Dentists and Doctors prefer their patients play a participating role in their treatment decisions.  They like to work as a team with their patients, giving recommendations of treatment. Many times there are several different options to treat the same issue.  At my office, (as well as at most dental offices) we try and explain the problem and treatments in detail but never say to a patient "You MUST fix this or else".  I feel that after hearing all the options it is ultimately up to the patient to accept treatment or not.  We dentists and doctors are trying to help you, the patient, be as healthy as possible. Just because we don't say fix it immediately or you must accept treatment, does not mean the treatment is not important or you should not fix your problem without delay.

As always, Swish, Floss, Brush and Swish again.
-Dr. Rob-