Summer time tends to be very busy with many activates yet is somewhat unstructured at the same time. Summer goes by very quickly and before you know it: school has started. Many families welcome "back to school" as a way to reorganize and get back to a consistent schedule of events. As you review all of the items on your summer to do list, you find the one thing that didn't get checked off. Oops, forgot to make that dental cleaning and check-up appointment for you and your family. Start the school year off right with a thorough dental exam and cleaning. Discuss with your dentist any sports that your child participates in. Many coaches feel mouth guards are optional and don't force kids to wear one (especially custom fit ones). Even if your child doesn't participate in teams sports but does visit the neighborhood bike/skateboard parks they should consider wearing a sports mouth-guard. I have seen kids injure their teeth in both contact and none contact sports including swimming, diving, bicycling and baseball.
It's important to note that all mouth guards are not created equal. You can buy over-the counter mouth guards that are fitted by softening in hot water and placing in the mouth to cool and form around the teeth. They are usually large, bulky and difficult to adjust to. It's also hard to talk while using them. These are some the reasons why your child probably will NOT wear the guard.
Your dentist can provide a custom made mouth-guard that not only protects the teeth but since custom guards fit better and are more comfortable to wear, your child WILL probably wear this guard.
Your first homework assignment for this new school year is to please call your dentist and make your dental cleaning and check-up appointments for you and your family. Discuss mouth-guards with your dentist if your child participate in athletics, and discuss your remaining dental benefits and if there is any needed dental work which should be completed before the years end to maximize your insurance benefits and improve your oral health.
Wishing you a bright school year, and as always don't forget to swish, floss, brush and swish again at least twice a day, and of course see your dentist regularly for your dental check-ups.
-Dr. Rob-