Saturday, September 13, 2014



It has been estimated by the National Youth Foundation that more than 5 million teeth will be knocked out in sporting activities this year[1]  Also, according to the American Dental Association, more than 200,000 oral injuries are prevented annually in this county by using sports mouth-guards[2].

Although contact sports such as football, hockey and boxing account for many of these injuries, many injuries occur during non-contact sports such as soccer, volleyball, bike riding, skateboarding and especially basketball.  I have also treated athletes who have broken teeth swimming, diving and weight lifting!!

Not all sports guards are created equal!

You can buy over the counter mouth-guards that are fitted by softening in hot water and placing in the mouth to cool and form around the teeth.  They are usually large and bulky and also hard to adjust and talk with.  Your dentist can provide a properly fabricated custom-made mouth-guard that not only protects the teeth but help the muscles of the face and neck balance optimizing muscle performance.

We hope you all enjoy a safe winning season while keeping your smile intact.

Remember to always Swish, Brush, Floss and Rinse!
And when playing sports always wear your mouth-guard!

Please visit my website,, and you will find many helpful videos which will explain many dental treatments.

1. Padialla, Ray DDS Sports Dentistry and Prevention Of Oral Injuries, CDA Sessions Anaheim, California, May 12, 1995
2. American Dental Association, Council on Dental Materials, Mouth Protectors and Sports Team Dentists, JADA 1984 109:84-7

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