Saturday, September 13, 2014



To me as a professional, I think of the month of September and what it represent’s and I am reminded that over the years I have noted a significant drop off of annual dental check-ups in students during their college years.  As explained to me by many parents, they just don’t feel comfortable making an advanced appointment for their college student before they come home from college because they don’t know their child’s summer schedule.  Before they know it they are packing their kids up again and shipping them back to school and their child never made it to their dentist.

Now, I can speculate that parents are trying to teach their young adult children to take on the responsibility for themselves, for others it maybe a financial issue; if the family doesn’t have dental insurance, yet many families have dental benefits and neglect to use them. Though I don’t have the exact answer as to why college students don’t take advantage of their scheduled breaks to get routine dental check-ups and cleanings, I do know that as these students graduate and go off on their own and they don’t continue the good habits their parents have taught them which results in preventable dental problems.  So here are a few suggestions: 
1.       Take control and make an appointment for your student.  You know your dentist office hours, ask your child what he or she thinks will work out best and schedule an advanced appointment so your child can put it on their calendar.
2.       Connect with your dentist and have them call your student directly on their cell phone to schedule an appointment with your child.  Hopefully your dentist won’t get a message that says
“Mailbox full”!
3.       If necessary arrange for dental care in the city where they are going to school. 

Us dentist’s look forward to seeing your college students this summer not only to give them their dental check-up and cleaning but also to “catch-up” with them about their college experiences!

Wishing you a start to the school year and as always don’t forget to swish, floss, brush and swish again at least twice a day.

Please visit my website,, and you will find many helpful videos which will explain many dental treatments.

Dr. Rob

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