Saturday, September 13, 2014



There is something for everyone and every budget.

First of all, people have been whitening teeth for over 100 years.  Currently the best products contain hydrogen peroxide or carbamine peroxide or a combination of both.
Personally I have seen successful results with all of the following systems:

*      Least expensive is over the counter home kits.  They are formulated on the mild side (so you may need to buy more than one kit). The kits come with bleaching strips or trays. The strips are difficult for some people to manipulate and most trays are “one size fits all.”
*      Most expensive is “in office” bleaching. You will spend 30 minutes to 1 hour in the dental chair.  These are the most potent, strongest systems and post- operative tooth sensitivity is well documented.  Depending on the results, many people need to return for additional sessions or continue to bleach with home kits.
*      The most successful system I have found is “At Home Bleaching” prescribed and dispensed by a dentist. This system uses custom-made bleaching trays or dual purpose mouth guards with peroxide based products.  To me this is the best of all worlds.
*      You and Your dentist discuss and decide what strength bleach is best for Your teeth.
*      Your dentist makes You a custom-made appliance for your bleaching treatment.
*      YOU bleach YOUR teeth to YOUR desired whiteness.

In closing remember best way to keep your smile healthy and bright is to “swish, floss and brush” everyday and visit your dentist regularly!
If you would like me to write about a specific dental topic please email me at

Please visit my website,, and you will find many helpful videos which will explain many dental treatments.


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