Saturday, September 13, 2014

Do you know DHCQ!

Do you know DHCQ!

How’s your DHCQ – Dental Home Care Quotient? Take our quiz and find out!

What can cause Bad Breath?

·         Plaque, tartar and other food particles and mineral deposits on and between the teeth
      bleeding gums and other signs of gum disease, also known  as gingivitis, periodontal      
      disease, pyorrhea, periodontitis 
·         bacteria that wasn’t brushed away from your tongue, gums and teeth
·         All of the above

The number-one cause of Tooth Loss in adults is:

·         Sports accidents
·         Tobacco use
·         Advanced age
·         Gum disease

Plaque, the fuzzy layer of bacteria that you can feel on your teeth, can begin to form within:

·         6 months of brushing
·         36 hours of brushing
·         12 hours of brushing
·         1 hour of brushing

Your Dental Home care includes:
·         Swishing (rinsing) with medicinal rinse once or twice daily (before you brush is best)
·         Flossing once or twice daily
·         Brushing twice or three times daily
·         All of the above
upside down)Regular dental visits and a thorough home hygiene routine can keep your mouth healthly, breath fresh and your smile bright!

No matter what your score, just remember to Swish, Brush, Floss, and Rinse!
Answers: all of the above; gum disease; 1 hour of brushing, all of the above.  

If you would like me to write about a specific dental topic please email me at

Please visit my website,, and you will find many helpful videos which will explain many dental treatments.

Dr. Rob’s Top 10 Treatments that can help your Smile

Dr. Rob’s Top 10 Treatments that can help your Smile

When do you smile? When you’re greeting someone ... When your trying to reassure someone...When you are sharing joy ... When you are putting a good face on things… and …. When you are happy!
Smiles not only help us communicate, we express ourselves with them.  Like our hair, clothes, job and home, smiles convey who we are.  Smiles make us feel good in another way…They release endorphin's which gives us a natural high.

  • Whitening or Bleaching lightens your tooth color which may have darkened due to age, smoking, coffee, tea, red wine or medication.
  •  Crowns cover cracked, broken and poorly shaped teeth to restore a natural appearance.
  •  Veneers are laboratory fabricated porcelain shells which cover the front of a tooth to improve their shape and  color. Depending on the type of the veneer and the laboratory used will depend on how much or little of your enamel is reduced.
  •  Chair side bonding typically uses a resin material and covers discolored teeth and can camouflage other flaws without reducing excessive enamel.  Resin bonding is not as strong as a porcelain veneer
  • Bridges replace one or more natural teeth by supporting a false tooth which has been attached to one or two other crowned teeth.
  • Braces correct crooked or crowded teeth, under bites, overbites or uneven bites.
  • Composite Inlays/Onlays restore and strengthen decayed areas while looking like your original tooth.
  • Implants are used to replace missing teeth without involving other teeth for support.
  • Your 3,4, or 6 month continual recare visit to your dentist will help keep your gums  and teeth healthy so you are proud to show them off!
  • Remember to always SWISH, FLOSS AND BRUSH….at least 2 times a day.               
If you would like me to write about a specific dental topic please email me at

Please visit my website,, and you will find many helpful videos which will explain many dental treatments.



Ahhhhh … The year is coming to and end and it's time to think about the
 The New Year and Resolutions…

“I’m going to Floss everyday”,  ” I’m going to brush 3 times a day”…. 

Well the bacteria in your mouth have not taken the holidays off.  They live and replicate in the space between your tooth and gum called the sulcus.  They cause the gum to lose it’s attachment that protects the bone that holds your teeth in place.  As the bacteria collects deeper and deeper, the sulcus becomes a “pocket” that contains bacteria, toxins and the waste products of their existence.   Once established, it won’t matter how much you swish, floss, brush and rinse, your too late!!!.  You've got PERIODONTAL DISEASE , also called gum disease.  The bone holding your teeth in place has been compromised.  It’s time to get help.  Your Dentist and Dental Hygienist have Therapeutic Treatments to clean these pockets thoroughly so you can get back to basics:  SWISH with an anti-microbial mouthwash, FLOSS to remove food and bacteria and bring the mouthwash between your teeth and under your gums,  BRUSH to massage your gums and leave the tooth surfaces,  tongue,  plate and cheeks clean,  and then RINSE again.
 Ahhhhh…   your teeth will love you if you keep the following resolutions:
*    “I’m going to Floss everyday”
*    “I’m going to brush at least twice a day and try my best to brush 3 times a day”

In closing remember best way to keep your smile healthy and bright is to “swish, floss and brush” everyday and visit your dentist regularly!
If you would like me to write about a specific dental topic please email me at

Please visit my website,, and you will find many helpful videos which will explain many dental treatments.





There is something for everyone and every budget.

First of all, people have been whitening teeth for over 100 years.  Currently the best products contain hydrogen peroxide or carbamine peroxide or a combination of both.
Personally I have seen successful results with all of the following systems:

*      Least expensive is over the counter home kits.  They are formulated on the mild side (so you may need to buy more than one kit). The kits come with bleaching strips or trays. The strips are difficult for some people to manipulate and most trays are “one size fits all.”
*      Most expensive is “in office” bleaching. You will spend 30 minutes to 1 hour in the dental chair.  These are the most potent, strongest systems and post- operative tooth sensitivity is well documented.  Depending on the results, many people need to return for additional sessions or continue to bleach with home kits.
*      The most successful system I have found is “At Home Bleaching” prescribed and dispensed by a dentist. This system uses custom-made bleaching trays or dual purpose mouth guards with peroxide based products.  To me this is the best of all worlds.
*      You and Your dentist discuss and decide what strength bleach is best for Your teeth.
*      Your dentist makes You a custom-made appliance for your bleaching treatment.
*      YOU bleach YOUR teeth to YOUR desired whiteness.

In closing remember best way to keep your smile healthy and bright is to “swish, floss and brush” everyday and visit your dentist regularly!
If you would like me to write about a specific dental topic please email me at

Please visit my website,, and you will find many helpful videos which will explain many dental treatments.




I was so excited when a BLOG reader contacted me and asked me what all this “swishing” was about, so I thought maybe other readers might have the same question.  This sparked a great idea, incorporating your dental questions into my column.

 I have set up a special email address  just for you.  Please fee free to email me dental topics which you would like me to write about.

Here’s what all the fuss is about… more research every year shows links between gum disease and other medical disease like heart disease, rheumatoid arthritis and diabetes. Remember… prevention, prevention, prevention!!!
  By first swishing vigorously with any liquid you loosen food and debris from around your teeth.
       Why not swish with something medicinal!  I like to recommend hydrogen peroxide 3%  
       found at any drug or food store. You may prefer minty mouthwashes (now available alcohol
       free), salt water, or even prescription mouth rinses.
  Not only are you removing food from between your teeth, you’re bringing the medicinal rinse in between your teeth. There are many floss aids available at your local drug or food stores.
  Gives your whole mouth a cleaning and massage also!
  Leaves your mouth clean and fresh.
  Now is the appropriate time to rinse a final time with extra fluoride, the leading over the counter brand is ACT™.  It’s not just for kids!

I look forward to your emails and discussing relevant dental issues.  Remember, the best way to keep your smile healthy and bright is to Swish, Floss, Brush & Swish again, and of course visit your dentist regularly.

Please visit my website,, and you will find many helpful videos which will explain many dental treatments.



If you suffer from TENDER JAW MUSCLES that limit your ability to open your mouth, have unexplained pain to the face, head or neck, you are one of many Americans afflicted with a condition called Temporomandibular Joint Disorder or TMD.  Most people will experience an episode of unexplained facial pain once in their lives.  However, some people experience TMD on a much more regular basis and for longer periods of time.  While no one prime factor is to blame, usually combinations of etiological events are taking place at one time.  These factors can include general upper body stress (both emotional and physical) along with jaw anatomy, worn teeth and irregular biting alignment. This can all add up to an overload to our finely balanced muscular system.  You dentist can help. You may be a candidate for treatments as simple as; adjusting/balancing your bite by polishing aberrant tooth contacts call enameloplasty or a custom fitted night guard, bite appliance.   Other people may benefit from replacing old worn fillings and crowns or by wearing braces. 

As always, don’t forget to “SWISH, FLOSS, BRUSH AND SWISH AGAIN” and of course visit your dentist regularly.    

Please visit my website,, and you will find many helpful videos which will explain many dental treatments.




How much dental care will you need in 2015?  How much dental care can you afford in 2015?   Some people are fortunate enough to have the ability to put pre tax dollars away for future dental care; a cafeteria plan or a health savings account, to name a few.  Many people just rely on their dental insurance and can predict how many out of pocket dollars they will need to maximize their insurance benefits.

Most dentists practice Managed Care, not to be confused with managed care insurance products.   Our job as dentists is to tell you what’s going on in your mouth.  It is for you to decide when, where and how much to spend on your dental health.  We are still a generation of people who believe, “If it’s not broken, don’t fix it.”  However, most dentists agree if you wait until it hurts or breaks you have waited too LONG!  Most dentists also agree that if you would just come in a couple of times a year and “Work at Keeping Your Teeth Clean”,  many of your problems can be managed with the goal of reaching optimal dental health.

Sometimes the easiest way to view your ageing dentition is by making a 4 year plan.  This is treatment which is not time sensitive but is being suggested to you by your dentist to improve your overall dental health.  Each year plan to repair a quarter of your mouth; the upper right, the lower right, the upper left, the lower left.  It’s best to make your plan early in the year, however if you have dental insurance you may wish to complete your treatment in the last quarter of the year, leaving benefits open for any unforeseen emergencies.  The timing of dental treatment and area of treatment is something which you should discuss with your dentist.    

See your dentist and take control of your Dental Health. Find out what’s going on in your mouth and make a plan to get healthy.  Remember, people don’t plan to fail, they FAIL TO PLAN.

Wishing you a bright and healthy smile, and as always don’t forget to swish, floss, brush and swish again at least twice a day.

Please visit my website,, and you will find many helpful videos which will explain many dental treatments.

----Dr. Rob-----



            Come October many employees go through “Open Enrollment” with the opportunity to stay with or select a new dental insurance from a grouping picked out by their employer.  As a sign of the times, the employer may be giving employees a choice between an HMO or a PPO type plan.

The HMO plan usually has a lower premium and sometimes no deductible.  These plans are marketed very well and may look very attractive on the surface, but restrict the dentist you can see and also may not cover all dental procedures. I know of some insurance products that only have 1 or 2 dentist in the whole county on their list and may not have any specialists at all.

The PPO plans give the patient the ability to go “out of network”.  This means you can choose a dentist on the list or a dentist  NOT on the list.  Most of the time the coverage is the same if you go “in” or “out of network”.   The insurance company will tell you that if you go “out of network” and  if your dentist’s fees are higher then what the insurance company feels is appropriate for the geographic area then you may incur a cost.  In most cases I know my fees are very comparable as well as many of my colleagues.  To be sure you can ask your dentist and they will be able to let you know if you will incur any out of pocket cost for your preventive care. If you will incur any costs I can honestly bet you it will only be a couple of dollars.  In some plans your coverage for non preventive services may drop 10%, which in reality equates to about $20 for a simple filling.  Not that much for the privilege of staying with a dentist that you know and trust and is conveniently located for you.  In rare cases your maximum may be reduce by going to an “out of network” dentist, however that being said, if you are in good dental health that really should not be an issue.  It is not only my opinion that choosing a PPO plan is worth the extra premium expense it is also the opinion of many of my patients.  Most times I have even found that as an “out of network” provider my patients do not incur any extra out of pocket costs. 

Again, I want to stress the MOST important detail in choosing any dental plan is the ability to go “out of network” and see anyone you want to see.  I've never known a patient to be happy with a plan where they are limited in where they could go and the treatment which is considered to be a covered benefit.

My staff is trained in the nuances of many different insurance plans, and since we know what kind of specialist and care our patient’s are likely to need we can help them choose the best plan. I am confident that your dentist’s staff is also well trained and can help you make the best choice as well.  Don’t let premiums dictate which insurance plan you choose.  The benefits the plan offers should be examined very carefully before choosing your dental coverage. 

Also remember that if you have an HSA-Health Savings Account, you can use those funds to supplement your dental care.

Please remember to “SWISH, FLOSS, BRUSH AND SWISH AGAIN” and of course visit your dentist regularly.

Please visit my website,, and you will find many helpful videos which will explain many dental treatments.

:) Dr. Rob



That is a bold statement!  There are many different kinds of mouth guards to wear.  Some examples are: Sports Guards, Snore Guards, Bleach Guards and Bite Guards.  

Think about it, anyone playing sports needs to protect their teeth.  Most people young and old participating in sports are very lucky to avoid dental accidents.  It’s a no brainer to wear a guard for contact sports like football and hockey, but these sports also wear helmets.  I’m sorry to report that I have had to treat dental injuries in many non-contact sports.  I have had patients break teeth playing tennis, swimming, golfing and especially playing basketball and soccer.  I wouldn’t consider playing basketball and soccer non-contact sports, but go ask a coach.  The Under Armour Company is now advertising guards for weight lifters talk about grinding your teeth!  So let’s add going to the gym as a sport needing tooth protection.

Let’s talk about all the other dental guards people consider as medically necessary.  Ask someone who snores if they have tried all the over-the-counter snore guards on the market without success.   If you don’t suffer from sleep apnea, you should consider having a custom dental snore guard made by your dentist, there are several options available.

The most successful bleach systems available are based on a custom fitted soft guard made to deliver peroxide based bleach.  These guards can also be used to deliver extra fluoride to people with sensitive teeth.   Many orthodontic patients use their hard guards as both retainers and bleach trays.

The second most common reason a dentist makes a patient a mouth guard is to treat Bruxism  (clenching and or grinding of teeth) or Temporomandibular Joint, TMJ disorders.   These types of guards helps relieve pain associated with these disorders. 

Because there are many kinds of dental appliances/mouth guards and many different dental materials used to make such guards, why not speak to your dentist to see if you are a candidate for a mouth guard.  One set of models made by your dentist can be used to fabricate many different kinds of guards.

Think about it, get one mold taken and your dentist can make you, Bleach Trays, a Sports Guard, treat your stressful grinding and even help you stop snoring!!!! Pretty cool stuff!!!!

To keep your smile fresh and clean always remember to ….. Swish, Floss, Brush and Swish again everyday if not twice a day and continue to see your dentist at least every six months or as often as your dentist prescribes.  

That is a bold statement!  There are many different kinds of mouth guards to wear.  Some examples are: Sports Guards, Snore Guards, Bleach Guards and Bite Guards.  

Think about it, anyone playing sports needs to protect their teeth.  Most people young and old participating in sports are very lucky to avoid dental accidents.  It’s a no brainer to wear a guard for contact sports like football and hockey, but these sports also wear helmets.  I’m sorry to report that I have had to treat dental injuries in many non-contact sports.  I have had patients break teeth playing tennis, swimming, golfing and especially playing basketball and soccer.  I wouldn't consider playing basketball and soccer non-contact sports, but go ask a coach.  The Under Armour Company is now advertising guards for weight lifters talk about grinding your teeth!  So let’s add going to the gym as a sport needing tooth protection.

Let’s talk about all the other dental guards people consider as medically necessary.  Ask someone who snores if they have tried all the over-the-counter snore guards on the market without success.   If you don’t suffer from sleep apnea, you should consider having a custom dental snore guard made by your dentist, there are several options available.

The most successful bleach systems available are based on a custom fitted soft guard made to deliver peroxide based bleach.  These guards can also be used to deliver extra fluoride to people with sensitive teeth.   Many orthodontic patients use their hard guards as both retainers and bleach trays.

The second most common reason a dentist makes a patient a mouth guard is to treat Bruxism  (clenching and or grinding of teeth) or Temporomandibular Joint, TMJ disorders.   These types of guards helps relieve pain associated with these disorders. 

Because there are many kinds of dental appliances/mouth guards and many different dental materials used to make such guards, why not speak to your dentist to see if you are a candidate for a mouth guard.  One set of models made by your dentist can be used to fabricate many different kinds of guards.

Think about it, get one mold taken and your dentist can make you, Bleach Trays, a Sports Guard, treat your stressful grinding and even help you stop snoring!!!! Pretty cool stuff!!!!

To keep your smile fresh and clean always remember to ….. Swish, Floss, Brush and Swish again everyday if not twice a day and continue to see your dentist at least every six months or as often as your dentist prescribes.  

Please visit my website,, and you will find many helpful videos which will explain many dental treatments.

:) Dr. Rob



In today’s world most people do not want to see yellow or white gold in their mouth.  They want to see something tooth colored.  For the past century many dentists have taken a substructure of gold and covered it with porcelain to make a “semi-natural” looking tooth.

Today, there are 3 types of porcelain crowns that are as good as or better than the original porcelain fused to gold crown. 

·         Hands down most beautiful types of cosmetic crowns are made from all porcelain materials which are fabricated from 100% porcelain or Lucite glass.

·         For chewing strength, the method of fusing porcelain to a ceramic core is now preferred.  The porcelain is supported by a sub-structure of ceramic instead of gold.  This very hard tooth colored ceramic core material is fabricated from alumina, lithium or zirconia and tooth colored porcelain is baked on top of this core.

·         The newest material used for a crown is made from 100% zirconia, yes a synthetic diamond!  This type of crown requires fabrication by a computer.  The tooth is scanned and mapped.  These specific design instructions are then electronically sent to a computerized milling machine.  A solid ingot of zirconia is then cut to the exact specifications of your tooth, resulting in a very hard “virtually unbreakable” crown.  This tooth colored crown is more specific for back teeth because it is not as cosmetically appealing for front teeth as the other types of ceramic crowns.

But this is a great marriage between what patients want… “looks like a tooth!” and what dentists want… “it is difficult to break!”  These types of crown are becoming the new “gold standard”!!!


In today’s world most people do not want to see yellow or white gold in their mouth.  They want to see something tooth colored.  For the past century many dentists have taken a substructure of gold and covered it with porcelain to make a “semi-natural” looking tooth.

Today, there are 3 types of porcelain crowns that are as good as or better than the original porcelain fused to gold crown. 

·         Hands down most beautiful types of cosmetic crowns are made from all porcelain materials which are fabricated from 100% porcelain or Lucite glass.

·         For chewing strength, the method of fusing porcelain to a ceramic core is now preferred.  The porcelain is supported by a sub-structure of ceramic instead of gold.  This very hard tooth colored ceramic core material is fabricated from alumina, lithium or zirconia and tooth colored porcelain is baked on top of this core.

·         The newest material used for a crown is made from 100% zirconia, yes a synthetic diamond!  This type of crown requires fabrication by a computer.  The tooth is scanned and mapped.  These specific design instructions are then electronically sent to a computerized milling machine.  A solid ingot of zirconia is then cut to the exact specifications of your tooth, resulting in a very hard “virtually unbreakable” crown.  This tooth colored crown is more specific for back teeth because it is not as cosmetically appealing for front teeth as the other types of ceramic crowns.

But this is a great marriage between what patients want… “looks like a tooth!” and what dentists want… “it is difficult to break!”  These types of crown are becoming the new “gold standard”!!!

As always, remember to always swish, floss, brush and swish again and continue to see your dentist at least every six months or as often as your dentist prescribes. 

Please visit my website,, and you will find many helpful videos which will explain many dental treatments.

:)Dr. Rob



To me as a professional, I think of the month of September and what it represent’s and I am reminded that over the years I have noted a significant drop off of annual dental check-ups in students during their college years.  As explained to me by many parents, they just don’t feel comfortable making an advanced appointment for their college student before they come home from college because they don’t know their child’s summer schedule.  Before they know it they are packing their kids up again and shipping them back to school and their child never made it to their dentist.

Now, I can speculate that parents are trying to teach their young adult children to take on the responsibility for themselves, for others it maybe a financial issue; if the family doesn’t have dental insurance, yet many families have dental benefits and neglect to use them. Though I don’t have the exact answer as to why college students don’t take advantage of their scheduled breaks to get routine dental check-ups and cleanings, I do know that as these students graduate and go off on their own and they don’t continue the good habits their parents have taught them which results in preventable dental problems.  So here are a few suggestions: 
1.       Take control and make an appointment for your student.  You know your dentist office hours, ask your child what he or she thinks will work out best and schedule an advanced appointment so your child can put it on their calendar.
2.       Connect with your dentist and have them call your student directly on their cell phone to schedule an appointment with your child.  Hopefully your dentist won’t get a message that says
“Mailbox full”!
3.       If necessary arrange for dental care in the city where they are going to school. 

Us dentist’s look forward to seeing your college students this summer not only to give them their dental check-up and cleaning but also to “catch-up” with them about their college experiences!

Wishing you a start to the school year and as always don’t forget to swish, floss, brush and swish again at least twice a day.

Please visit my website,, and you will find many helpful videos which will explain many dental treatments.

Dr. Rob



It has been estimated by the National Youth Foundation that more than 5 million teeth will be knocked out in sporting activities this year[1]  Also, according to the American Dental Association, more than 200,000 oral injuries are prevented annually in this county by using sports mouth-guards[2].

Although contact sports such as football, hockey and boxing account for many of these injuries, many injuries occur during non-contact sports such as soccer, volleyball, bike riding, skateboarding and especially basketball.  I have also treated athletes who have broken teeth swimming, diving and weight lifting!!

Not all sports guards are created equal!

You can buy over the counter mouth-guards that are fitted by softening in hot water and placing in the mouth to cool and form around the teeth.  They are usually large and bulky and also hard to adjust and talk with.  Your dentist can provide a properly fabricated custom-made mouth-guard that not only protects the teeth but help the muscles of the face and neck balance optimizing muscle performance.

We hope you all enjoy a safe winning season while keeping your smile intact.

Remember to always Swish, Brush, Floss and Rinse!
And when playing sports always wear your mouth-guard!

Please visit my website,, and you will find many helpful videos which will explain many dental treatments.

1. Padialla, Ray DDS Sports Dentistry and Prevention Of Oral Injuries, CDA Sessions Anaheim, California, May 12, 1995
2. American Dental Association, Council on Dental Materials, Mouth Protectors and Sports Team Dentists, JADA 1984 109:84-7

Tips to Tame Your "Sweet Tooth" in 2014

Tips to Tame Your "Sweet Tooth" in 2014
As summer comes to an end so does so much of the delicious fruit we have been enjoying. Halloween is just around the corner and massive amounts of candy starts to appear in the stores. How can we control our household’s consumption, and what snack alternatives should we focus on instead?
When you feel a snack attack come on, the first thing you need to identify is if it's a true hunger or thirst-related need for food, or if you're just reacting to stress or boredom. If you are indeed responding to a physical mid-morning or afternoon tummy growl, it's tempting to just grab the first thing that comes your way, so it's wise to plan ahead for snack attacks by making sure that there are always healthy options available close at hand.
Nutritious snacks that are also teeth-friendly include fresh fruit, vegetable sticks, plain popcorn, nuts, seeds and cheese. In fact, cheese is recommended even after a meal. If you can't brush your teeth or rinse your mouth out with water after you eat, munching on a piece of cheese is proven to help protect your teeth against cavities. It may sound strange, but there are a couple of ways this works:
1.      First of all, eating cheese helps to increase the amount of saliva in the mouth, which helps to rinse food particles away.
2.      The second helpful factor is that cheese provides a coating of calcium on the teeth. After a meal, the pH level in your mouth often drops and your mouth becomes more acidic - a potentially damaging situation for teeth. Eating a piece of cheese neutralizes the acids and helps maintain a pH balance in the mouth that is safe for teeth.

Aged cheddar, Swiss, blue cheese, Monterey Jack, Brie, Gouda and processed American cheese have all been shown to reduce dental cavities. Cheese is also an abundant source of natural dietary calcium, making it a smart snack in the most delicious way. (Keep in mind that if you have high cholesterol this is not a good option for you)
Those of you who crave a sugary treat once in a while should keep in mind that some candies are worse than others. For example, sticky treats such as toffee, caramels and jujubes are probably the most harmful for teeth as the remnants from these soft candies stick to teeth and provide a long-lasting food source for the natural bacteria to feed on in the mouth. Even a plain piece of chocolate is a better choice than one filled with a gooey center, where sticky contents may adhere to the teeth.
Remember to floss and brush thoroughly immediately after having your sweet treats. If you can't brush right away then at least rinse your mouth out with water to flush away any residual candy, and get rid of the sugary culprit!
My Top Five Dental Resolutions
1.      I will pay more attention to what I put in my mouth - from food, drinks and tobacco to pens that I chew.
2.      I will brush my teeth at least twice a day for at least 3 minutes each time, no matter how tired or how rushed I am.
3.      I will floss between my teeth every day to remove the stuff that my toothbrush can't reach.
4.      I will schedule regular continuing care appointments with my dentist, ensuring a visit at least every  6 months.
5.      I will check my dental insurance right now to see what it covers for this year. After all, if it pays for me to maintain my good dental health, why shouldn't I take full advantage of it?
Give your dentist a call and schedule your dental visit. There's no better time than the present to start working toward a new year of healthy, bright smiles!
Wishing you a bright and healthy smile, and as always don’t forget to swish, floss, brush and swish again at least twice a day.

Please visit my website at

----Dr. Rob-----



As the 2014 school year begins it reminds me how important good hygiene is….yes Dental Hygiene is included in Good Hygiene.

What do you think of when someone says “Good Hygiene”?
We teach our children to cover the toilet seat when they go to the bathroom.
Wash their hands after they go to the bathroom.
Wash their hands before and after they eat dinner.
Cough or sneeze into their sleeve…or at least cover their mouths….
BUT do you teach your kids to brush after every meal?
I have had two children come into my office just in the past week (which happened to be the first week of school) complaining that the teachers won’t let them go to the bathroom after lunch!
Truth be told you can’t tell a child when they should go bathroom and no child wants to go brush their teeth after lunch, BUT all children should be allowed and ENCOURAGED to wash their hands, brush their teeth and “go potty” after lunch!



As always please remember to see your dentist regularly and Swish, Floss, Brush and Swish again

Wishing you all a very happy and healthy school year.

Please visit my website,, and you will find many helpful videos which will explain many dental treatments.

-Dr. Rob-